PHABULOuS launches its Open Call
PHABULOuS launches its open call to support the implementation and integration of free-form micro-optics and the scale up to pilot production.

To advance Europe’s competitiveness and support advanced technical developments, the European Commission is providing €3 million of funding to early adopters of the PHABULOuS Pilot Line Services for the implementation and integration of free-form micro-optical components.

Funding of total €3M is available to support the implementation and integration of free-form micro-optics and the scale up to pilot production. The pilot line services are available to all European companies, preferably SMEs,  that have an existing design or prototype at any TRL. Up to 90% of funding per pilot case is available, depending on company size, excellence, impact and implementation.

This open call has been enabled through the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Grant Agreement nº 871710, in Public Private Partnership with Photonics 21 ( and will runs continuously until November 2023. The open call works with regular cut-off dates, at which time the applicants are evaluated and chosen to participate. For all information, deadlines, and requirements, please check the PHABULOuS website at or contact the open call helpdesk at

1. 2. 2022