Large area vacuum coating via sheet-to-sheet processes
We develop coatings and layer systems on flat substrates using sputtering technologies. Our special expertise is in the field of pulse magnetron sputtering (PMS) and the control of reactive sputter processes and their optimization for application-relevant requirements.
Fraunhofer FEP
R2R R2P Wafer-scale
[LAYER DEPOSITION] Magnetron Sputtering
AR/VR Automotive Consumer electronics Decoration & Luxury Healthcare & Life sciences Imagers & Displays Optical instrumentation Solar, Energy & Daylight Other

▪feasibility studies on new layer systems for specific applications
▪development of sputtering processes for functional layer systems
and single layers under near-real production conditions
▪small series production for market introduction of new products
▪adaptation and supply of key components (for example power supplies, pulse and control units, also as integrated packages) for example for modernizing or expanding existing production plants

multi-chamber in-line plant with:

▪ 8 process chambers which can be fitted with:
▫ 5 planar DMS systems, target length 900 mm
▫ 2 × 2 planar single magnetrons, target length 750 mm
▫ 1 rotatable cathode DMS system, target length 780 mm
▫ 2 inverted RF sputter-etchers, length 750 mm

▪ parallel and separately operable plant sides
(inkl. reversing chamber and transport in the clean room)

▪ coating area: 1200 x 600 mm^2

▪ 2 heating chambers

▪ base pressure: 2 × 10-6 mbar
▪ working pressure 10-4 … 10-2 mbar

Vertical in-line sputtering plant ILA900
Vertical in-line sputtering plant ILA900