Diffractive optical elements
beam shapers, beam splitters, CGH, gratings
beam-splitter structure based on effective medium approach
beam-splitter structure based on effective medium approach
Fraunhofer-Institute for Applied Optics and Precision Engineering IOF
[OPTICAL ELEMENTS] grayscale photolithography - maskless [OPTICAL ELEMENTS] photolitho [OPTICAL ELEMENTS] dry etching [REPLICATION] UV-NIL replication
AR/VR Automotive Consumer electronics Healthcare & Life sciences Imagers & Displays Lighting Optical instrumentation Security & Branding

Highly-efficient diffractive optical elements made by electron-beam lithography or photolithography according to requirements. Grayscale-lithography benefits from quasi smooth facets. Electron-beam lithography is advantagous for high-fidelity structures i.e. deterministic anti-reflection structures, effective medium elements, or meta structures.

dry etching into Si, SiO2, borofloat, C, Ge, ...

wafer-level process

- Custom design if needed (and only optical specs are known)
  otherwise surface representation with scaling (i.e. grayscale image, ASCII, ...)

- material

- number of elements, and element size

- coatings? (reflective or transmissive operation?)

laser beam shaper for laser mode-selection
laser beam shaper for laser mode-selection